Massive FAIL

Massive xulrunner buildd failure

In there, a lot are due to dh_auto_configure not doing the right thing for autoconf 2.13 generated configure files, others are due to make setting MAKEFLAGS to "w", which prevents make -s to do what I expected it to do, armel has yet another crasher in the test suite (*sigh*), and I broke mipsel with the mips patch. should fix the first two, and allow me to debug the armel issue (I disabled the test suite to be able to have the buildds generate the binaries, as they are much faster than the porterbox). Mipsel will have to wait for

This also means 1.9.2 is delayed. Again. (and upstream releasing Firefox 3.5.8 one day later than scheduled didn't help either)

Update: I stand corrected, the one responsible for MAKEFLAGS setting to "w" seems to be make itself, not dh.

2010-02-18 10:29:08+0900


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2 Responses to “Massive FAIL”

  1. Joey Hess Says:

    dh does not set MAKEFLAGS=W (what would that even do?). It does remove –jobserver-fds= and -j from MAKEFLAGS in cases where the parent jobserver is unavailable, as part of its parallel building support. Is this causing some kind of problem? I would have expected a third bug report if so, so am puzzled..

  2. glandium Says:

    Joey: I found a better way than using -s to do what I wanted to, and that works whether MAKEFLAGS has w or not. So I didn’t bother. It turns out make is the one responsible anyways.

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