Iceweasel bug triaging

I've spent a few hours going through all the unclassified important bugs assigned to iceweasel. This resulted in

  • 6 confirmed bugs,
  • 16 where the reporter is asked for something,
  • a few merged,
  • another few reassigned to other packages,
  • and around 50 bugs closed.

In the closed bugs, there were several kind of bugs:

  • the bug log shows that the bug eventually disappeared or was not a bug, but the bug was still opened,
  • the bug has been known to be fixed for a while,
  • the reporter is unreachable and the bug is unreproducible,
  • the bug has been spammed by several different and unrelated "me too"s, leading the bug to being a huge mess where you don't know what was the problem to begin with (there were 2 such bugs, if I recall correctly), in which case I closed the bug, copying everybody and inviting to file individual bugs after confirming with newer versions.
  • not a bug at all.

It will feel good when it will be visible on the bug graph.

Still 500+ to go... *sigh*

Who wants to jump on the bandwagon ? ;)

2009-12-19 21:34:30+0900


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5 Responses to “Iceweasel bug triaging”

  1. Einar Says:

    And still there’s a million unreported. Still, would love to help, suck me in.

  2. András Antos Says:

    Thank you for your great work!
    Do you plan to backport iceweasel 3.5.x (and xulrunner) packages for lenny sometime before squeeze release, or do you recommend using testing packages or upstream tarball for lenny or some other solution? I know that this backporting is not obvious and time is a bottleneck, but one of its advantages would be that stable users also could contribute to bugreports based on up-to-date versions. Also, as I see, upgrading for the testing packages requires presently quite a lot (cca.40) of library upgrades/installs leading to a rather mixed system. As I know, Firefox, and specially 3.5, is a very popular stuff, there are no other (unofficial) lenny backports out there, and squeeze release is still in the hazy future.
    Thank you very much.

  3. Dmitry Says:

    Hello. I have a small question about xulrunner-1.9.1. Why does xulrunner-1.9.1 explicitly depends in libcairo >= 1.8.8?:

    Package: xulrunner-1.9.1
    Section: devel
    Architecture: any
    Depends: ${shlibs:Depends},
    libcairo2 (>= 1.8.8) <<<<<<<<<<<<

    Why 1.6.4 from Lenny is not acceptable? Thanks!

  4. glandium Says:


  5. András Antos Says:

    As I see, you did the iceweasel 3.5.6 backport for lenny, and now it is ported to i386, too. Thanks.

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