Announcing git-cinnabar 0.2.1
Git-cinnabar is a git remote helper to interact with mercurial repositories. It allows to clone, pull and push from/to mercurial remote repositories, using git.
What's new since 0.2.0?
Not much, but this felt important enough to warrant a release, even though the issue has been there since before 0.1.0:
Mercurial can be slower when cloning or pulling a list of "heads" that contain non-topological heads. On repositories like the mercurial repository, it's not so much of a big deal, taking 7s instead of 4s. But on big repositories like mozilla-central, it's taking 23 minutes instead of 2 minutes and 20s (on my machine). And that's with 100% CPU use on the server side.
The problem is that mozilla-central recently merged some old closed heads, such that it now has branch heads that aren't topological heads. Git-cinnabar, until this release, would request those branch heads, leading the server to use the slow path mentioned above. This release works around the issue.
It also fixes an issue pushing to a remote empty mercurial repository.
2015-04-15 04:20:10+0900
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