Recovering files from ext3
Carlo Wood wrote a nice piece of documentation about how to recover files from ext3, based on his experience after deleting 3GB.
This actually happened to me 5 years ago, now, and is how ext3rminator came to exist. I've been meaning to update it for a while (and journal parsing has been on the top of the TODO list for a while), but package maintenance is unfortunately time consuming. And I have a big tendancy to do something else, too (like coding on git).
2008-03-13 21:05:09+0900
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2008-03-16 01:36:05+0900
Hi Mike
I translated your post in spanish and post in my blog, because it was very interesting to me.
Is it ok ???, otherwise without your approval I think ill erase this part
Thanks in advance, Have a nice day
2008-03-16 09:47:40+0900
Victor: No problem