Debian Mozilla team APT archive now signed

You may have been using the repository as described on a previous blog post. You may also have noticed that despite a lack of announcement, all beta releases but 4.0beta6 have been subsequently made available on that repository (moreover, within 24 hours of the upstream release). I just made a change to that repository which will most likely make your APT complain, but all the necessary instructions are given on the repository itself.

2010-11-20 14:45:57+0900


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5 Responses to “Debian Mozilla team APT archive now signed”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Would you consider making a mozilla-archive-keyring package, which simply installs the .gpg version of the key to /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/mozilla-archive-keyring.gpg ?

  2. glandium Says:

    Well, there’s a chicken and egg problem there: how do you guarantee the mozilla-archive-keyring package is not tempered with?

  3. jordi Says:

    Hey glandium, to make this stuff totally perfect, a suitable version of iceweasel-l10n would be awesome. Is that possible at this stage of the beta? :)

  4. Brief Updates: Firebird 3, Iceweasel 4.0 beta, google code-in and DPL interview | Debian News Says:

    […] Hommey has updated Iceweasel to 4.0 beta7. It is available from the Debian Mozilla team APT […]

  5. Anonymous Says:

    glandium: That’s the same chicken and egg problem you have with the key already; at least a mozilla-archive-keyring helps install the key in the first place, and keeps it up to date once installed.

    You could also upload that package to Debian, making it part of the archive’s trust chain, like emdebian-archive-keyring. :)

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