I/O patterns on ELF binary initialization

[ I meant to finish this article much earlier, but i had to leave it in a half-written draft state for quite some time due to other activities ]

One particular issue that arises with big binary files is that of I/O patterns. It looks like it is not something under the usual scope for both ld.so and programs/libraries, but it can have a dramatic influence on startup times. My analysis is far from complete, would need to be improved by actually investigating ld.so code further, and so far has been limited to libxul.so built from mozilla-central, with the help of icegrind, on x86-64 linux.

As I wrote recently, icegrind allows to track memory accesses within mmap()ed memory ranges. As ld.so does mmap() the program and library binaries, tracking the memory accesses within these mmap()s allows to get a better idea at I/O patterns when an ELF binary is initialized. I only focused on local accesses within a single given binary file (libxul.so) because the case of Firefox loading many files at startup is already being scrutinized, and because most of the non-Firefox files being read at Firefox startup (system and GNOME libraries) are most likely already in the page cache. I also focused on that because it was an interesting case that could be helpful to understand how big (and maybe less big) binaries may be affected by the toolchain (compiler, linker and dynamic linker) and possibly by some coding practices.

For the record, what I did to get these results is to use icegrind and elflog, with further additions to the "sections" file with some output from "objdump -h": I added sections that elflog wouldn't give (such as .plt, .hash, .dynsym, etc.), and even down to the entry level for the .rela.dyn section. The latter is particularly interesting because icegrind only outputs the first access for any given section. To see sequential accesses within that section, you need to split it in smaller pieces, which I did for .rela.dyn entries (each one being 24 bytes on x86-64). Uncommenting some parts of the icegrind code was also useful to track where some accesses were made from, code-wise.

Now, the interesting data:

One of the first accesses is a nullification of a few variables within the .bss section. The .bss section is usually an anonymous piece of memory, that is, a range of mmap()ed memory that is not backed by a file, and filled with zeroes by the kernel (I think it even does that lazily). It is used for e.g. variables that are initialized with zeroes in the code, and obviously, any code accessing these variables would be addressing at some offset of the .bss section. It means the section needs to start in memory at the offset it has been assigned by the linker at build time. This is actually where problems begin.

When the .bss section offset as assigned by the linker doesn't align on a page (usually 4KB), the mmap()ed .bss can't be at that location, and really starts on the next page. The remainder is still mmap()ed from the binary file, and ld.so will itself fill that part. As the .bss section doesn't start on a page boundary, any write at this location will trigger the kernel reading the entire page. This means one of the first set of data being read from the file is the end of the section preceding .bss, and the beginning of the following one. Most likely, respectively the .data and .comment sections.

While this probably doesn't matter much when the binary file is small, when it is big enough, reading in a non sequential manner will trigger hard disk seeks, and we all know how they can hurt performance. Although thankfully, cheap SSDs should be coming some day, in the meanwhile, we still need to cope with the bad performance. The interesting part is, the .bss section is really empty in the binary file, so its "virtual" memory address could be anywhere. Why the linker wouldn't align it at a page boundary without having to resort to a linker script is beyond me.

The next accesses go back and forth between .dynamic, .gnu.hash, .dynstr, .gnu.version_r, .gnu.version and .dynsym. These are probably all related to symbol version resolution and DT_NEEDED library loading. While most of these sections are at the beginning of the file (not necessarily in the order they are read from), the .dynamic section is much nearer to the end, but way before .data, so that it won't even have been loaded as a by-product of the .bss section loading.

After that, the .rela.dyn section is read, and for each relocation entry it contains, the relocations are being applied. Relocations is one of the mechanisms by which position independent code (PIC) is made possible. When a library is loaded in memory, it is not necessarily loaded at the same address every time. The code and data contained in the library thus need to cope with that constraint. Fortunately, while the base address where the library is mmap()ed in memory is not necessary constant, the offsets of the various sections are still as codified in the binary. The library code can thus directly access data at the right offset if it knows the base offset of the library (which is what is done on the x86 ABI), or if it knows where the current instruction is located (which is what is done on the x86-64 ABI).

"Static" data (initialized in e.g. a const or a global variable, or, in C++ case, vtables), on the other hand, may contain pointers to other locations. This is where relocation enters the scene. The .rela.dyn section contains a set of rules describing where in the binary some pointers need to be adjusted depending on the base library offset (or some other information), and how they should be updated. ld.so thus reads all .rela.dyn entries, and applies each relocation, which means that while .rela.dyn is being read sequentially, reads and writes are also performed at various places of the binary, depending on the content of the .rela.dyn entries.

This is where this gets ugly for Firefox: there are near 200000 such relocations. On x86-64 an entry is 24 bytes (12 on x86), and each of these is going to read/write a pointer (8 bytes on x86-64, 4 on x86) at some random (though mostly ordered) location. The whole .rela.dyn section not being read ahead, what actually happens is that it is read in small batches, with seeks and reads of other data at various locations in between. In libxul.so case, this spreads over .ctors, .data.rel.ro, .got, and .data. The relocation entries are somehow ordered by address to be rewritten, though they occasionally jump backwards. Some of these relocations also appear to be touching to .gnu.version, .dynsym and .dynstr, because their type involves a symbol resolution.

Once .rela.dyn relocation have been dealt with comes .rela.plt's turn. The principle is the same for this section: entries describe what kind of relocation must be done where, and how the result must be calculated. The scope of this section, though, is apparently limited to .got.plt. But before explaining these relocations, I'll explain what happens with the PLT.

The PLT (Procedure Linkage Table) is used when calling functions from external libraries. For example, in a Hello World example, the PLT would be used for calls to the puts function. The function making the call would in fact call the corresponding PLT location. The PLT itself, on x86 and x86-64, at least, consists of 3 instructions (I'll skip the gory details, especially for x86, where the caller needs to also set some register before calling the PLT). The first instruction is the only one to be called most of the time: it reads the final destination in the .got.plt section, and jumps there. That final destination, obviously, is not fixed in the library file, since it needs to be resolved by its symbol. This is why the two subsequent instructions exist : originally, the destination "stored" in the .got.plt section points back to the second instruction ; the first instruction will effectively be a nop (no operation), and the following instructions will be executed. They will jump into code responsible for symbol resolution, update of the .got.plt entry for the next call, and call of the real function.

But pointing back to the second instruction is like the pointers in static data we saw above : it's not possible in position independent code. So, the .rela.plt relocations are actually filling the .got.plt section with these pointers back to the PLT. There are a tad more than 3000 such relocations.

All these relocations should be going away when prelinking the binaries, but from my several experimentations, it looks like prelinking only avoids relative relocations, and not the others, while it technically could skip all of them. prelink even properly applies all the relocations in the binary, but executing the binary rewrites the same information at startup for all but relative relocations. That could well be a bug in either ld.so not skipping enough relocations or prelink not marking enough relocations to be skipped. I haven't dug deep enough in the code to know how prelinking works exactly. Anyways, prelinking is not a perfect solution, as it also breaks ASLR. Sure, prelink can randomize library locations, but it relies on the user or a cron job doing so at arbitrary times, but that's far from satisfying.

An interesting thing to note, though, is that a good part of the relocations prelinking doesn't rid us of in libxul.so (more than 25000) are due to the __cxa_pure_virtual symbol, which is used for, well, pure virtual methods. In other words, virtual methods that don't have an implementation in a given class. The __cxa_pure_virtual function is set as method in the corresponding field(s) of the class VTABLE in the .data.rel.ro section. This function is provided by libstdc++, and as such, is dynamically linked. But this function is just a dummy function, doing nothing. Defining an empty __cxa_pure_virtual function to be included in libxul.so makes these relocations become relative, thus taken care of by prelinking.

After all relocations occur, the library initialization itself can begin, and the content of the .init section is executed. That section, indirectly, executes all functions stored in the .ctors section. This includes static initializers, which are unfortunately called backwards, as Taras pointed out already. Each of these static initializers are also accessing various locations in the .data or .bss sections, which may or may not have already been loaded during the relocation phase. The execution of these initializers will also (obviously) read various pieces of the .text section (despite its name, it contains executable sections, i.e. functions code).

The initialization of the library ends there, and no access should happen until a function from the library is called. In libxul.so case, XRE_main is first called, then many other functions, but that's another story. All that needs to be remembered about the startup process past this point is that the .text section will be read heavily, as well as the various data, got, plt and dynamic symbol sections, in a very scattered way. While most of these sections may have been retrieved in memory already, as a byproduct of the various initialization processes described above, some may have not, increasing even more the need to seek at all places in the binary file.

Now the main problem with all these I/O patterns at startup, is that it seems the only way reorganizing the binary layout may have a visible impact is by considering all the above, and not only a part of it, because only addressing a part of it is very likely to only move part of the problem to a different layer.

All in all, making sure the relevant sections of libxul.so are read by the kernel before ld.so enters the game is a good short-term solution to avoid many seeks at startup.

2010-07-14 18:37:13+0900

mozilla, p.m.o

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    Thank you  Optimistic Hacker Gaius

  20. Lincon Reiser Says:

    In the high-stakes world of cryptocurrency, where digital coins can vanish in the blink of an eye, a new breed of “wizard” hackers has emerged to combat the scourge of stolen Bitcoin. Cyber Genie Hack Pro service, is a cutting-edge cybersecurity solution that uses advanced algorithms and lightning-fast response times to track down and retrieve pilfered crypto assets. When a victim’s Bitcoin wallet is compromised and their hard-earned funds disappear into the ether of the blockchain, these digital sorcerers swing into action, leveraging their formidable hacking skills and extensive network of contacts to follow the electronic trail, uncover the thieves’ identities, and compel the return of the stolen cryptocurrency. Employing a potent blend of technical wizardry and old-fashioned private investigative tactics, the team deftly navigates the shadowy underworld of crypto crime, deploying a vast arsenal of digital forensics tools and sheer cunning to outwit even the craftiest Bitcoin bandits. For those who have fallen victim to cryptocurrency theft, these modern-day alchemists offer hope, restoring lost funds and a sense of security in the lawless frontier of decentralized finance. With Cyber Genie Hack Pro recovery service, in this case, the days of helplessly watching one’s Bitcoin disappear may soon be a thing of the past. My Bitcoin 405,000$ was returned to me through CyberGenie’s team’s excellent recovery services. I escaped being a victim, you can also. Locate them via:
    Whatsapp…..+ 1 2 5 2 5 1 2 0 3 9 1.
    T/Gram….. cybergenie hackpro
    Site… (ht tps:/ /cyb erge nieh ackpro (.) x y z/)

    Thank you.

  21. Andrew Nelson Says:

    OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS Offers Recovery Services for Bitcoin, USDT, Scams.

    Fortunately, OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS is helping a lot of people who lost money in these online trading Ponzi schemes to get their money back. With this Expert’s assistance, you can get your money back if you have ever lost cryptocurrency assets to online con artists. Based in the US, OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS is a certified cryptocurrency hacker with expertise in recovering bitcoin and misplaced cash. The Expert protected all of my invested life assets, totaling $654,000, from an internet scammer. Use the support team at OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS to get in touch with them if you’re a victim seeking an ethical hacker to help you recover your money; contact information are the following

    WhatsApp, +1..6..0..1..4..6..0..9..4..7..7.

    email…. optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz.
    website. https://optimistichackegaius.com   

  22. Paul Astorga Says:

    Recovery companies/firm has played a crucial role in curtailing financial thefts by providing services to underserved populations who were unjustly exploited or targeted from their previous finance practices and investments, However, there will always be bad eggs in the groups like the first 2 firms I contacted before SWIFT ASSETS RECOVERY FIRM arrived and saved the day. SWIFT ASSETS RECOVERY FIRM and team have disrupted traditional financial services, offering innovative solutions that challenge established financial institutions and banking related frauds setting the standards for true excellence in this field. Unfortunately The knowledge and experience i have gained from my painful ordeal with the fraudulent platform that nearly succeeded in taking my money came at a great cost one that I had imagined would be the ruin of me. I lost my entire life savings of almost half a million dollars to a binary trading platform introduced to me by a lady I connected with on LinkedIn, she had provided me with all sorts of documents and proofs to collaborate her testimony which I later discovered were all fakes. I blamed myself deeply for trusting her words and being a novice in the industry, i fell for her game of numbers, I believed I actually had a real balance of huge profits and before I realized what was happening I had already invested everything I had saved up with them. I couldn’t bear the loss so I set out looking for help, it wasn’t an easy decision picking the right company to consult as I came across many different recovery agents/companies but in the end, it was worth the risk. I decided to go with SWIFT ASSETS RECOVERY Team on my third attempt through one of their contact channels on WhatsApp +1 (786) 684-0501 and I explained my plight to the team, well to round up my story, the team recovered my funds from the scam company in 72 hours of serious efforts unlike the previous recovery companies. Also the team is active on email SWIFTRECOVERYSERVICE006@ GMAIL.COM Or Telegram @SWIFT_HACKING Website https://swiftspyassetsrecovery.com

  23. Renny Ahola Says:

    A Trustworthy Cyber Expert Who Deals With Lost or Stolen Bitcoin

    I’m Renny Ahola from Brisbane, Australia and I’m thrilled to tell you about this. After being duped into investing in stolen bitcoin a few months ago, I lost all of my cash. Even though I was in a terrible situation, my despair did not last long because a coworker had told me about LOST RECOVERY MASTERS who deal with Recovery Solution. Through the assistance of Lost Recovery Masters, I was able to get back the money that had been stolen. After being informed by another bunch of hackers that my $745,000 was permanently lost, By help of Lost Recovery Masters I was able to restore it. It was a huge relief, and anyone out there who unquestionably fell for this financial swindle should get in touch with Lost Recovery Masters.
    Contact them Via
    Whatsapp +44(7-5-3-7)-1-0-5-9-2-1
    Email Support@lostrecoverymasters.com
    Website: https://lostrecoverymasters.com/

  24. Margaret Osborn Says:

    I’ve Found A Reputable Cyber Specialist That Helps With Lost Bitcoin Issues, Contact Wizard Larry Recovery Services

    I want to take this opportunity to convey my sincere gratitude for the amazing assistance that WIZARD LARRY RECOVERY gave me in getting my lost cryptocurrency back. I was helpless and didn’t know what to do when I initially found myself in this horrible predicament. I am quite grateful to my friend for suggesting Wizard Larry Recovery Service to me at that point. My initial contact with Wizard Larry Recovery Service was received by a crew that was genuinely committed to my assistance, competent, and knowledgeable. They took their time and made sure I understood every stage of the recovery process as they guided me through it.
    I felt certain that I could get my lost cryptocurrency back thanks to their expertise and advice. Wizard Larry Recovery’s degree of expertise and accuracy throughout the procedure really impressed me. Once more, I want to thank you for your wonderful service.

    Email: (wizardlarry@mail.com).



  25. Richardson Angie Says:

    I lost $103,450 with a fake crypto investor. I am Richardson and here is my story. Of course, they advise us to do a good background check before deciding where and when to invest. But they entirely forget that the scammers have a “clean” background record. So you will find all the good reviews and ads about them when you research. Mine was no different. They looked legit and I made my deposits plus other more deposits when chasing my withdrawals. I reached my limits and knew I had to get my money back no matter what. I did some deep searching and finally decided to try out The Exner Hacker at TheexnerhackerATprotonmailDOTcom. Guess who had their total investment in approximately 20 hours. Good thing about this hacker is that they only require the transaction information and hackers address and everything else is on them until the money is fully back. Reach them on their email or Telegram number : (PLUS)1 (917) 384?3379 to get the help you need with finances and crypto.

  26. Amy Fallows Says:

    HAVE YOU LOST YOUR CREDIT CARD? DO YOU WANT TO GET YOUR STOLEN BTC,USDT,OR ETH BACK?The feeling of losing one’s cryptocurrency can be extremely distressing,especially since it is nearly hard to get back a lost or stolen cryptocurrency coin.All that crosses a person’s mind when they are defrauded of their money when investing on a cryptocurrency platform is how to report the company and recover their losses.The majority of scam victims get in touch with their bank,wallet account provider,or law enforcement;a small number even hire an attorney to file a lawsuit against the business,but despite all of this stress,they still aren’t able to get their money back.Please,everyone should exercise caution when making financial investments.The use of cryptocurrency has made a great deal of people wealthy but also broke and desperate.I was referred to CYBERETRIEVE a few weeks ago,and with their help,I was able to recover every USDT coin that had been stolen.CYBERETRIEVE is a trustworthy and sincere company that I suggest if you want to recover your lost or stolen cryptocurrency.contact them via

  27. kiyim23713 Says:

    Welcome to https://homeoftoypoodles.com/! We breed exceptional Toy Poodles, Standard Poodles, Miniature Poodles, and cross breeds like Maltipoos, Pomapoos, and Whoodles. Our puppies are raised in loving homes with a focus on health, pedigree, and well-being. Parents undergo comprehensive health testing, and puppies receive early socialization and training. We provide lifetime breeder support and a balanced diet of human-grade raw food and premium kibble. Join our family for a well-bred, happy poodle or cross breed puppy.

    Falling between Toy and Standard Poodles in size, Miniature Poodles
    offer the best of both worlds.


    As the largest of the poodle breeds, standard poodles are elegant,athletic
    , and incredibly smart.


    Maltipoos, a cross between Poodles and Maltese, combine the intelligence and hypoallergenic coat of the Poodle with the gentle, affectionate nature of the Maltese.

    A cross between Poodles and Shih Tzus,


    Whoodles, a mix of Poodles and Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers,
    combine the best traits of both breeds.

    Cockatoos – Coming Soon

    Yorkiepoos were developed by crossing Poodles with Yorkshire Terriers to create a playful, low-shedding dog suitable for various lifestyles.


  28. Cheng Saephan Says:

    To whom it may concern,

    There is a tech expert that can help you in recovering all the money lost to scammers online. It recently worked for me and I now have peace of mind after the huge recovery of all my lost funds. If you are a victim of online scams then I will advise you contact them with the details below.

    Email: kbhacktools@outlook.com
    Whatsapp: +1 (559) 593-1640

  29. Janine horgan Says:

    Consult A Licensed Crypto Recovery Experts//Lost Recovery

    I was absolutely impressed with the LOST RECOVERY MASTERS service’s high
    professionalism and hacking prowess. They successfully recovered my
    lost password after a few hours of deploying their equipment to allow
    BIP38 decryption of the private key for Dodge I’d held since 2019.
    There is obviously a high level of trust involved in handing over keys
    and possible passwords but carrying out my due diligence with reviews
    and one recommendation from someone I already knew, gave me the
    confidence I needed. The Doge was worth 100’s of thousands of dollars
    and he deducted the agreed commission and assisted me with getting it
    safely to my exchange. I’ve since monetized the coin so it’s real.
    Mightily impressed and grateful for their services after somewhat giving
    up on thinking I would never realize the substantial theoretical gain.
    I gave Recovery Masters as many seeds of various passwords I had been
    using around that era and as much information I could help and that
    greatly assisted the task. Their tech skills and equipment were just
    what were needed for the job and wish them all the success with lots
    more enquiries. You can learn more on their Website
    https://lostrecoverymasters.com/ also contact them through their
    email which is: (Support@lostrecoverymasters.com) or WhatsApp:

  30. Leonard Millang Says:

    My journey from victim to victor serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of perseverance. To those who find themselves ensnared in similar predicaments, I offer this beacon of hope: recovery is possible, even when the odds seem insurmountable.In closing, I extend my heartfelMy recent encounter with SWIFT SPY ASSETS RECOVERY marks a pivotal chapter in my life, one fraught with deception, hope, and ultimately, redemption. It began with what seemed like a promising investment opportunity but quickly unraveled into a sophisticated scam that left me reeling. It all started innocuously enough on the Telegram app, where I was lured into investing in what purported to be stocks of tech giants like Amazon and Apple. The scammers convinced me to download MetaTrader and Trust Wallet, tools that seemed legitimate for managing investments and cryptocurrency transactions. Little did I know, these were mere props in an elaborate scheme designed to defraud unsuspecting investors like myself. Eager to capitalize on what appeared to be a lucrative venture, I began funding the trading app with substantial wire transfers, eventually amounting to over 180,000USD. Each transaction seemed to reinforce the illusion that my investments were thriving in the booming tech market. However, the truth was far more sinister. It wasn’t until I attempted to withdraw my supposed profits that I realized something was amiss. Communication from the scammers became sparse, and when I did manage to contact them, their promises grew increasingly hollow. It dawned on me then: I had fallen victim to a meticulously orchestrated scam, and my hard-earned money was now in the hands of faceless criminals. In a desperate bid for justice, I turned to the NYPD, armed with evidence of my transactions and a trail of deceit. However, after a month of investigation, their verdict was disheartening: crypto assets, once transferred, were virtually untraceable. I was devastated by the realization that traditional law enforcement channels seemed ill-equipped to tackle crimes of this nature.Despite the bleak prognosis, a glimmer of hope flickered within me. I refused to accept defeat and resolved to explore alternative avenues for recovery. It was during this exhaustive search that I stumbled upon SWIFT SPY ASSETS RECOVERY, a name that would soon restore my faith in the fight against cybercrime. With little to lose and everything to gain, I entrusted Cyber Tech Wizard with my case. Swiftly, they sprang into action, meticulously tracing the convoluted path of my funds across the digital ether. Their expertise and determination were evident as they navigated through the complexities of blockchain transactions and cryptocurrency protocols.In a remarkable turnaround, just 72 hours later, SWIFT SPY ASSETS RECOVERY delivered the news I had begun to believe was impossible: my funds were successfully retrieved and restored to my bank account. The sense of relief and vindication was overwhelming, contrasting starkly with the despair I had felt mere days before. My journey from victim to victor serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of perseverance. To those who find themselves ensnared in similar predicaments, I offer this beacon of hope: recovery is possible, even when the odds seem insurmountable. In closing, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to SWIFT SPY ASSETS RECOVERY for their unwavering support and unwavering commitment to justice. They did not only restored my financial losses but also renewed my faith in the pursuit of justice in the digital age. To anyone navigating the aftermath of a scam, remember this: there are allies in the fight for restitution, and no setback is insurmountable with the right allies by your side. hire them to work for you if fallen vitim with the following information. Email.. (swiftrecoveryservice006 AT gmail DOT com) or WhatsApp number: +1 (786) 684?0501. Or Telegram: SWIFT_HACKING website at https://swiftspyassetsrecovery.com

  31. Janes Campbell Says:

    How To Recover BITCOIN From Fake Cryptocurrency Investment // OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS

    Leading cryptocurrency recovery company OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS
    specializes in getting back money that has been stolen from individuals through bogus investment platforms. Their team of professionals tracks and traces stolen cryptocurrencies using state-of-the-art technology and industry experience, increasing clients’ chances of recovery. Minutes wasted make an impact on the recovery process. Get Captain OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS
    help now. Their cybersecurity team’s comprise of professional license blockchain developers who are very much knowledgeable in the crypto space and are able to help you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering and investment scam recovery.
    Contact info.

    Email address…. (optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz)

    WhatsApp: +44

  32. Karebear Tenny Says:

    USE WEB GENIE RECOVERY & SECURITY SERVICE TO RESTORE YOUR SCAMMED BITCOIN. I was a bit of a newbie and anxious wreck regarding Crypto recovery services because I had no idea what they were about, having fallen victim to a bogus investment scheme. But now that I have the support and direction of WEB GENIE RECOVERY team, I am certain that misplaced money may be found again. As soon as I learned about WEB GENIE RECOVERY, I used their website, www. webgenierecovery .com
    , to file my lawsuit. I am unable to express how at ease the team’s professionalism and honesty during the entire recovery procedure, which culminated in the return of all of my missing monies, made me feel. I would not hesitate to refer victims who have fallen victim to your services in the future. Continue the good work, WEB GENIE RECOVERY. Email: Webgenierecovery@outlook.com and webgenierecoverys@proton.me ,
    Telegram : @ webgenierecovery; WhatsApp : +1(918) 809-0113

  33. Annie McDuffie's Says:

    Being a victim to scam can lead to depression and it’s really devastating. I fell victim to them on Tiktok when a profile with thousands of followers and engagement convinced me to be my favorite celebrity Keanu Reeves. I first paid for membership and other request for money kept popping up till i get fed up giving them my money which ran into thousands of dollars. I reported to the authorities after my bank placed a hold on my bank and made me understand the fraud going on and it prompted my survival instincts. I went on YouTube and google in search of ways i can recover my stolen funds from these heartless scammers. Testimonies of different recovery agencies kept popping up but that of “REFUNDD POLICI RECOVERY SERVICES” really got my attention and i gave them a trial after hesitating and finally seeking God’s guidance in prayers.
    They Successfully recovered and returned my funds to me using the information and evidence i provided including the bitcoin addresses of the scammers.
    Here’s information to reach Refundd Polici Recovery Services Incase you or your love ones ever fall into similar situations.
    WhatsAp: +1 605963 9055

  34. Jack Bill Says:


    I never thought I would fall victim to a crypto scam until I was convinced of a crypto investment scam that saw me lose all my entire assets worth $487,000 to a crypto investment manager who convinced me I could earn more from my investment. I thought it was all gone for good but I kept looking for ways to get back my stolen crypto assets and finally came across Captain Jack Crypto Recovery, a crypto recovery company that has been very successful in the recovery of crypto for many other victims of crypto scams and people who lost access to their crypto. I’m truly grateful for their help as I was able to recover my stolen crypto assets and get my life back together. I highly recommend their services

    Telegram: @captainjackcrypto1

    WhatsApp: +4915782317112

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