Author Archive

Woohoo !

This is it ! Accounts have been created, I'm now officially a Debian Developper !

Many thanks to Josselin Mouette, my advocate and sponsor for quite some packages, Wilmer Van Der Gaast, my AM, Graham Wilson and Ardo van Rangelrooij, who sponsored my uploads for libxml2, libxslt and libxml, Sebastian Ley, who sponsored my uploads for ipw2200, Joerg Jaspert, who sponsored my uploads for kxmleditor before I orphan it, and Eric Dorland, who accepted co-maintainance of mozilla-firefox. [And sorry if I forgot to mention someone].

2005-02-03 23:29:56+0900

debian, me | Comments Off on Woohoo !

Preventing comment spam

If you're a blogger, and have a comment enabled blogging system, you probably already experienced comment spam, which is intended to use the blog effect to boost the spammer's pagerank.

Here is a proposal from Google, apparently seconded by Yahoo and MSN, as to how prevent the pagerank boosting effect. Sounds a good and simple idea.

2005-01-19 20:54:33+0900

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Last meme

Current meme on Planet Debian, test how loser, how nerd and how weird we are.

I am 54% loser. I am nerdier than 58% of all people. My Weird Quotient is 100.

So, it seems I'm normal, not that nerdy ; only a bit weird, but that's no surprise.

2005-01-17 19:21:21+0900

me, p.d.o | Comments Off on Last meme

Copyright / Trademark / DMCA Infringment ?

What do you think can happen when dumb american lawyers try to threaten swedish with charges over copyright, trademarks and DMCA infringement ?

Well, the swedish just answer them to go play around with their sphincter.

2005-01-17 18:45:16+0900

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It’s getting better…

... much better. I first thought 2005 would be a really really bad year, but the last days proved I was totally wrong. 2005 is going to be the year. The best of my life.

2005-01-13 19:19:42+0900

me | Comments Off on It’s getting better…


A bit late, but I wish all my readers (my reader ?) a happy new year 2005. I hope mine will be get greater with time, it's a bit depressing at the moment, though the two first days were the greatest ever.

Yes, there has been no blog entry for more than a month, mostly due to lack of motivation, which was, in turn, due to a succession of real life issues. Though this stuff is not over yet, I'm now back in France with much more time to think and type, so I guess this site will be moving a bit more soonish.

Time for resolutions for 2005 :

  • 美希との約束を守るように。
  • Avoid to put myself into impossible situations. I have enough to deal with the current one.
  • Avoid to gain back the 15 kilos I lost in Japan.
  • Get a decent job.
  • Finish to learn those 1945 "official" kanjis.

2005-01-08 10:23:42+0900

me | Comments Off on 新年おめでとう!

Boot poster challenge (2)

Some great progress has been made on the boot process time chart, and on solutions to get it much faster (on Fedora Core, but that could be tried on any other distribution). I must say I'm kinda surprised by the huge amount of data read at boot time...

I'm also curious to see what kind of speed-ups could be done by twicking all kernel-related boot-time things, such as modules loading and hardware probing. I guess if all modules were loaded so that they don't have to probe for the hardware (it doesn't change that much, you know), it would also improve the boot speed...

Read more....

2004-11-30 20:56:48+0900

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Ne lâchez pas, les gars

Les informaticiens de chez Schneider Electric sont en grêve. Leur revendication ? Ne pas se faire enc*ler.

Tenez le coup, et montrez aux informaticiens français qu'il faut qu'ils arrêtent de fournir eux même le gravier qui sert à les enc*ler.

Il serait temps que l'informatique française soit correctement syndicalisée, et c'est un grand pas en avant qui vient d'être fait. Tous ensemble !

Update [2004-12-01 18:53:33+0900]: le gravier vous a été offert par la CFDT.

2004-11-30 20:56:45+0900

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I see dead browsers

When Gary Schare, Director of Windows Product Management at Microsoft, talks about Internet Explorer and Firefox, I can't resist but to think IE is dead meat.

And when Tristan Nitot, President of Mozilla Europe, comments on the issue, I can't think something else than "that's so true". And even, the browser history has proven that Microsoft didn't care that much not breaking stuff with newer versions (well, actually, that does apply to other software from Redmond too).

2004-11-28 12:02:16+0900

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CSS power

If you came around recently, you probably noticed some changes in the look and in the amount of information on the home page. It is now globally in its final state.

A very few changes have also been made in the XHTML structure, these changes involving grouping the blog entries and the "as seen elsewhere" briefs in a "blog" div, moving around the date and the subject of blog entries, and replace links on briefs titles by a "Read more..." link.

As for the content, the home page must avoid to be heavy, so I removed a lot of stuff, put only one blog entry (and cut it if it's too long), 3 briefs and drastically reduced the amount of Releases, Articles, and ToDo List items.

The CSS, on the other hand, got a lot of changes, starting with a split of the stylesheet in several files. Some other changes involve bigger default font sizes, and a proper styling of most of the html elements in the page (much more were left with default style, previously). <teasing>I'm working on a better visual experience (which will probably render pretty bad in MSIE), all of which will happen without touching a single line of HTML code. I'm myself impressed by the result ;)</teasing>

The XSL stylesheets also got its load of refactoring, by splitting in smaller individual units, and its improvements such as adding ids in the blog so that the links to the blog entries on the home page go directly to the right item. Next step there will be to improve the RDF parsing.

Next global step for the site will be to have more subsections and pages. Stay tuned.

2004-11-28 02:21:42+0900

website | Comments Off on CSS power