
A bit late, but I wish all my readers (my reader ?) a happy new year 2005. I hope mine will be get greater with time, it's a bit depressing at the moment, though the two first days were the greatest ever.

Yes, there has been no blog entry for more than a month, mostly due to lack of motivation, which was, in turn, due to a succession of real life issues. Though this stuff is not over yet, I'm now back in France with much more time to think and type, so I guess this site will be moving a bit more soonish.

Time for resolutions for 2005 :

  • 美希との約束を守るように。
  • Avoid to put myself into impossible situations. I have enough to deal with the current one.
  • Avoid to gain back the 15 kilos I lost in Japan.
  • Get a decent job.
  • Finish to learn those 1945 "official" kanjis.

2005-01-08 10:23:42+0900


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