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I always assumed the diff algorithm to be quite standard and used anywhere there is a diff function, well it seems it is not, and it also seems that human readability is very dependent on the tool you use:

Here is what diff -u, git diff and tla diff give:

@@ -42,10 +42,9 @@
 include $(DEPTH)/config/
-include $(topsrcdir)/config/
-       $(INSTALL) $(srcdir)/nsKillAll.js $(DIST)/bin/components
+include $(topsrcdir)/config/
        rm -f $(DIST)/bin/components/nsKillAll.js

This is the least human readable output. In comparison, svn diff, svk diff and bzr diff do output:

@@ -42,11 +42,10 @@
 include $(DEPTH)/config/
 include $(topsrcdir)/config/
-       $(INSTALL) $(srcdir)/nsKillAll.js $(DIST)/bin/components
        rm -f $(DIST)/bin/components/nsKillAll.js

Mercurial outputs:

@@ -42,10 +42,9 @@
 include $(DEPTH)/config/
 include $(topsrcdir)/config/
-       $(INSTALL) $(srcdir)/nsKillAll.js $(DIST)/bin/components
        rm -f $(DIST)/bin/components/nsKillAll.js

which is pretty similar.

I got too fed up with tla and baz to try more (and didn't even go up to committing a file in baz, so there's no diff result for it)

2007-03-16 21:55:44+0900

miscellaneous, p.d.o | 3 Comments »

DPL platforms summaries

Enrico, you forgot your own advanced ways of wasting time (and have some fun). ;)

Here are the summaries of the candidate DPL platforms, in one sentence each:


Once we don't Select a friendly community where the packages towards a lot of software, community are most noticeable use to show their packages towards a problem good job.


While I were elected DPL, I have to time leave Debian Developers Corner Site, map Search about it should not have not be Even if he has, the NM; process is before.


Ideally, I'd expect that we ought to make It work together in Linux and a DPL review of the community and October firmware resolutions recall vote maybe That's been some of stuff I've been a server near you United States.


The sponsorship, principle.


I believe admit volunteers to scratch our bug tracking system I do what I would like LowThresholdNmu to happen again; Admit it has rhymes with a few of it Debian; is to be really like to automatically see them.


To the web site, map Search Not Published Yet Back to the Debian Project Select a server near you United States; the web Site, map Search Not Published Yet Back to the debian For other contact information, See the Debian Project Select a server near you United States.


It is today in the web team, the users: and waited supergroups i will that any Debian support: this change our major Desktop, with Lenny development website, we've now almost our official status and how a statistics page.


To the ban.


I am of a native Dutch is not an area where possible.

These summaries have been generated by the following script:

for i in 93sam aigarius ajt hertzog sho sjr stratus svenl wouter; do
  echo $i
  lynx -dump -nolist$i | dadadodo -c 1 - 2> /dev/null

It is somehow subobtimal, as aigarius and sjr's summaries show: the headers and footers of the page have some influence, but well... it was fun anyways.

2007-03-02 14:09:56+0900

debian | Comments Off on DPL platforms summaries

Google Keywords – Feb 2007

I think I'm going to make a tradition of this google keywords list that I reinitiated last month. Anyways, here's the list for February 2007:

"google keywords" - waw, already on the first page for this
"i am a dumb ass" - me too
"blackout in europe" - that happened
"firefox 2 debian package" - you're looking for iceweasel
"mozilla firefox japanese symbols" - it's called characters, not symbols
"rebrand firefox as iceweasel" - not even done yet :(
"debian iceweasel replaces firefox" - surprised ?
"fucked up resizing partition" - welcome to the club
"hobbit debian" - I'm not a hobbit !
"how can i change firefox to iceweasel on kubuntu" - waw, I'm impressed
"web 2.0 vs. web 1.0" - not here
"bugzilla bts (hate or sucks)" - bts sucks less
"cmd to download firefox on ubuntu" - apt-get install ?
"i need firefox with debian" - not happening
"what is a esx flat file" - basically, a raw disk image
"linux ext3 noload option" - does not work as expected
"fact about a horse" - persistant...

2007-03-01 08:51:11+0900

p.d.o, website | 1 Comment »

Plus c’est gros, mieux ça passe

This french phrase is one of the favourites of our (not for much longer) president, Jacques Chirac.

It could be translated as 'The taller the tale, the more likely people will believe in it'.

It fits perfectly to Microsoft's latest F.U.D.

2007-02-21 21:17:05+0900

miscellaneous, p.d.o | Comments Off on Plus c’est gros, mieux ça passe

VMDK open specification

Dear lazyweb,

A while ago, there was a PR announcing that VMware was opening its VMDK specification with GPL compatible licensing. While anyone can get the specification document, provided they fill a form, I haven't seen any note, on the document itself or anywhere else than the PR that this indeed allows an open source implementation.

The only thing that remotely ressembles licensing of the document could be

To ensure that readers of this specification have access to the most current version, readers may download copies of this specification from and no part of this specification (whether in hardcopy or electronic form) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of VMware, Inc., except as otherwise permitted under copyright law. Please note that the content in this specification is protected under copyright law even if it is not distributed with software that includes an end user license agreement.

This specification and the information contained herein is provided on an “AS-IS” basis, is subject to change without notice, and
to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law (...)

But this is more about the document itself than about the use of the specification. IANAL, but without more terms, the point of being able to read this specification is moot. It could even be patented and enforced...

Anyone with a better clue ?

2007-02-17 10:14:16+0900

diskimgfs | 2 Comments »

Security oddities

Sun recently fixed a pretty interesting in.telnetd vulnerability. 24 hours to deal with the bug. Kudos.
A week before that, Sun fixed a (okay, local) vulnerability ... discovered in 2002... hum.

2007-02-15 08:18:04+0900

miscellaneous, p.d.o | Comments Off on Security oddities

kqemu is free !

The QEMU Accelerator version 1.3.0pre10 is available in Open Source under the GNU General Public License. A detailed technical specification and API description is available.

That is great news. Now what I'd like to see is an unification of /dev/kvm and /dev/kqemu interfaces, so that the same frontend could be used for VT-supporting and VT-less architectures.

2007-02-06 09:37:55+0900

miscellaneous, p.d.o | Comments Off on kqemu is free !

Google Keywords

I've done this exercise a long time ago, but I think last time was before the first post with WordPress. So here it is: my improbable (or not) best of search engines keywords for january (provided by webalizer).

"新年おめでとう" - 明けまして !
"debian fundamentalism" - where ?
"asa dotzler troll" - did Blake Ross post here ?
"could have agree with you anymore" - all your opinion are belong to you
"do i need firefox if i have iceweasel" - firewhat ?
"your name in firefox 2" - I know
"lifelike androids" - paranoid ones are better
"dumb ass" - still ?
"blitzer blog" - wrong address
"a lot of horse facts" - i don't know what to say
"damage harddisk instantly" - drop your laptop from the 10th floor
"iceape vs iceweasel" - none of the above
"do you like the american accent" - no
"facts about the horse" - what is it with the horse ?
"feliz año nuevo happy new year 明けましておめでとう" - Bonne année !
"free mozilla firefox" - as in beer ?
"icebrowser community edition" - nice one
"normal life" - what is it ?
"shake laptop crash hard drive" - shake it the other way
"trademark versus copyright", "trademark vs copyright", "trademark vs copyright vs gpl", "trademark vs reserved", "trademarked and copyrighted logo", "registered trade mark vs copyright" - ask mozilla, they are knowledgeable
"what should stop working" - you
"what is a patent" - something I hate (I'll tell you stories about that soonish)
"why does debian call firefox iceweasel", "why does debian name firefox iceweasel", "why iceweasel debian instead firefox" - because we can't call/name it firefox
"will flashplayer work with iceweasel" - why not ?

2007-02-05 22:12:45+0900

p.d.o, website | 3 Comments »

Playing evil with VMWare ESX Server, part 3

For a reminder of the situation, see also:

I finally had time at work to implement a solution for the problem. The result is a bit less than 400 lines of code, which I hope to be able to make free-as-speech. I'll probably have tons of paperwork to do with my employer before that can happen...

The program implements a fuse filesystem that you feed with a raw device image file (but I'm willing to implement more image file formats), and that shows the individual partitions as separate files, named "partn.fstype". These files can then be mounted via loopback devices the standard way (which was not possible on vmfs for the reason you can find in my first post on the subject), with the benefit of not requiring offset adjustments (as when you want to mount partitions from a disk image), or some loopback device hack.

Additionally, it has an internal Copy-On-Write mechanism so that it is possible to mount "dirty" ext3 filesystems (e.g. a snapshot of a mounted filesystem) without modifying the original disk image. Note that there is no way, yet, to keep these writes after unmounting the fuse filesystem.

It uses libparted to handle the partition table reading, which means it will read any disk label types parted supports, such as BSD labels, sun partition tables, and so on. It doesn't support LVM, though.

Unfortunately, VMWare ESX server 3.0 being based on RedHat Enterprise Linux 3, only an ancient version of libparted is available. By the way, this version (1.6.3) had a pretty bad bug that made it impossible to use it for regular files instead of devices: it was trying to do a BLKGETSIZE (or was it HDIO_GETGEO ?) ioctl on it. To workaround this, I implemented my own PedArchitecture. It was somehow a revelation, because with similar mechanism, I can implement support for different disk image types :).

Anyways, there have been quite some API changes in-between, so some updates will have to be done to the code...

In other news, I started working on ext3rminator again. There may be a new release in a few weeks.

Update: Thinking again about the ioctl issue, I'm wondering if vmfs couldn't be responsible (again) for the failure, actually... I'll check that on monday.

2007-01-12 21:58:39+0900

diskimgfs, ext3rminator | 1 Comment »

All BTS suck

Marc, this is not a problem with the Debian BTS, but with BTS in general. What you describe also happens with Mozilla and Gnome BTS, speaking of those I know. The Mozilla Bugzilla is indeed an example of what NOT to try to replicate, it's probably even worse than the Debian BTS.

2007-01-06 16:40:47+0900

debian | 3 Comments »