Firefox 1.5final approaching…

... and for now, it's 1.5rc2 that got in experimental.

I made some changes to the firefox wrapper script so that it should be quicker to launch firefox in most cases. We don't try to find the JVM version, since the ones we wanted to set LD_ASSUME_KERNEL for have been ABI incompatible for a while, and we don't remove the XUL.mfasl and other problematic files since it is now correctly (I hope) by firefox itself. And if bugs arise again, we'll try to fix in upstream code, not in wrapper script...

I also fixed the dash bug and another one in xpidl.

For what it's worth, I did some testing with JVMs and firefox. I got success with

  • Sun JRE 1.5update5,
  • Sun 1.4.2_10,
  • IBM 1.4.2SR3 (but not with java-package, see bug #338277),
  • Blackdown 1.4.2-02 and 1.4.1-01.

On the other hand,

  • IBM 1.3.1SR8 segfaults,
  • Blackdown 1.3.1+02a and 1.3.0-FCS are built against with older C++ ABI, so ld can't find __vt_17nsGetServiceByCID,
  • Sun 1.3.1_10 can't load

2005-11-11 13:03:12+0900


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