Debian Mozilla news
Here are the few noteworthy news about Mozilla packages in Debian:
- Iceape 2.7 made its way to unstable. This is a huge jump from the previously available 2.0.14, and finally happened because Iceape was finally the top item on my TODO list.
- Iceape 2.7 is also available for Squeeze users, on the Debian Mozilla team APT archive.
- Localization is now part of Iceweasel uploads, which means that upgrades won't break localization anymore. It also means the Debian Mozilla team APT archive now also ships Iceweasel locales.
2012-02-18 09:37:10+0900
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2012-02-18 16:22:24+0900
Hi! Will there be a separated package for ESR versions? or how these will be handled? thanks for all your hard work.
2012-02-19 14:14:01+0900
Thanks for all your work ;)
Are there chances to see in debian mozilla a newer version of Icedove too?
Thank you very much.
Best Regards!
2012-02-21 10:10:55+0900
Thank you very much! I didn’t know why Iceape was obsolete vs. Seamonkey, but now it’s very well :)
2012-02-27 12:39:28+0900
Thank you!