Iceweasel display corruptions anyone?

We have had quite a bunch of bug reports for some display corruptions in Iceweasel, most, if not all, of which are due to offscreen pixmaps being badly rendered by the video driver.

If you happen to be a silent (or even vocal) victim, please give a try to these test packages: for i386 and for amd64. If that solves the corruptions for you, please leave a comment here.


2008-10-13 21:19:58+0900

firefox, xulrunner

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5 Responses to “Iceweasel display corruptions anyone?”

  1. Decklin Foster Says:

    Fixes this problem for me (amd64, using Conkeror from git here). was the only site I could think of off the top of my head that used to get the screen-droppings. Looks fine now.

  2. Kumar Appaiah Says:

    Dear Mike,

    I didn’t fidget with my Xorg config, and I’ve been having this problem for quite a while. The deb you have made available above fixes the issues for me; I can confirm that.

    Thanks a lot!


  3. kabniel Says:

    That solved it for me,

    I can now remove “Option RenderAccel on” from my xorg.conf and still render sites such as correctly.


  4. Arvin Says:


    I had some rendering problems with iceweasel too and after updating with your package (amd64) the problems were solved.

    Thanks for the fix!

  5. Says:

    Iceweasel display corruptions, maybe a real fix?…

    Thanks for the feedback on the xulrunner-1.9 packages I posted yesterday. They led me to find a possible fix for the issue.
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