13256278887989457651018865901401704613 is a prime.
13256278887989457651018865901401704671 is the following prime.
Between them exists a (allegedly) forbidden number. If you don't know how to find it it's 27 more than the first and 31 less than the second. Oops.
Edit: Or you could multiply the following primes: 2, 5, 19, 12043, 216493, and 836256503069278983442067 and then multiply by 32.
2007-05-02 20:16:38+0900
Both comments and pings are currently closed.
2007-05-02 20:47:44+0900
I hope you don’t get that out of your memory :)
2007-05-02 22:12:46+0900
Mike you stole my prime number :(