In the past few days, there has been some move on the Firefox front in Debian. Eric uploaded the long-waited non-b0rked security update for sarge, and I finally sync'ed the experimental package with all the last changes from unstable.
I made some work on the mozilla-firefox-branding package so that it actually works for both Firefox 1.0 (and supposedly earlier versions) and Deer Park. Though there are regressions (see NEWS.Debian file), it is now much much cleaner and won't mess up with other extensions as it used to do (it used to behave strange with ctxextensions, leading to a *huge* (and unuseable) context menu). You can give it a try.
Firefox 1.5 beta 1 has been announced for the 8th, and I already started to pull out the latest trunk to prepare its release. Stay tuned.