Archive for the 'me' Category

What religion is the right one for you ?

You scored as atheism. You are... an atheist, though you probably already knew this. Also, you probably have several people praying daily for your soul.

Instead of simply being "nonreligious," atheists strongly believe in the lack of existence of a higher being, or God.



















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with

2005-09-05 06:54:17+0900

me, p.d.o | 2 Comments »

Simple pleasure

I really enjoy when my wife is chatting with my parents on the phone. Her speaking french is so cute.

2005-08-25 23:49:16+0900

me | Comments Off on Simple pleasure

Meme time !

General Lifelike Android Normally for Destruction, Infiltration and Ultimate Mathematics

2005-08-25 23:22:36+0900

me, p.d.o | Comments Off on Meme time !

Another meme

Currently rolling on Planet Debian

My computer geek score is greater than 84% of all people in the world! How do you compare? Click here to find out!

2005-08-13 10:22:33+0900

me, p.d.o | Comments Off on Another meme

It’s been a while

... since I last posted. And we got quite some changes around here.

First, on the real life side, I got married almost 2 months ago.
I met my wife in Japan, and guess what ? she's japanese. Her name is Miki (美希), and she is the most wonderful woman I've ever met. She's been learning french for a month now, and she often surprises me with all she already can say in french.

We are now living together in Colombes, not very far from Paris, and I'm still working for British Telecom in La Défense as an application server expert engineer (buzzwords detected). Finding a flat has been quite a challenge, considering how real estates are expecting you to have a stable and huge income, meaning it's quite hard to get something during your "trial period", which, when you start working as an engineer in France, lasts 3 months (and can even be reconducted for 3 more months). In fact, we got the flat a few days before the end of my trial period because it was almost done ; and actually moved in after it being theorically done. Theorically, because it has been reconducted, but the real estates didn't have to know ;). Anyways, now, it is finally over.

I've been offline quite a lot these last months, because of 1. being stuck in a place without net access (which appeared to be wrong, there was an open WiFi access point with ADSL access in the neighbourhood, but I got my laptop back quite late to figure out), and 2. because of Wanadoo (my ADSL provider) and France Telecom being lame and taking a month to configure an ADSL line... and making me pay for it while not having any access, but this story is not over yet...

Anyways, has been migrated to my 3 years-old Vaio laptop behind this ADSL connection, and the site has switched today to a mix between the "old" RDF driven site and a WordPress powered blog. I'm hoping to have my own tool some day, but in the meanwhile, I chose to use WordPress. I gave a try to Dotclear, but support for multiple categories is lame, category hierarchy, not supported, and english support has to be done by hand by creating a custom theme.

I created a lame theme which tries to look like what it used to be with the old RDF driven site (WordPress theming just sucks. Truth is Dotclear is not much better). I must say i didn't put much effort in the comments stylesheet (actually, no effort at all).

So here is an almost new site, which, I hope, will improve in the future (but Miki won't like it if I spend too much time on it, so it will take time).

On the Debian side, I managed to upload Firefox Deer Park alpha 2 into experimental a while ago, plus some other updates to my packages in unstable. Some more will be coming soonish (same as above, it might take more time than expected ;) ).

2005-08-13 10:02:00+0900

firefox, me, website | 2 Comments »

Back to normal life, step #1

I signed today my working contract for British Telecom France. A bit more than a month to find a job, it's pretty fast. Okay, I cheated, I'm going back in the company I quit to go to Japan, though British Telecom had not taken over control at that moment. My first working day will be on wednesday. End of the holidays.


2005-02-14 19:55:42+0900

me | Comments Off on Back to normal life, step #1

Woohoo !

This is it ! Accounts have been created, I'm now officially a Debian Developper !

Many thanks to Josselin Mouette, my advocate and sponsor for quite some packages, Wilmer Van Der Gaast, my AM, Graham Wilson and Ardo van Rangelrooij, who sponsored my uploads for libxml2, libxslt and libxml, Sebastian Ley, who sponsored my uploads for ipw2200, Joerg Jaspert, who sponsored my uploads for kxmleditor before I orphan it, and Eric Dorland, who accepted co-maintainance of mozilla-firefox. [And sorry if I forgot to mention someone].

2005-02-03 23:29:56+0900

debian, me | Comments Off on Woohoo !

Last meme

Current meme on Planet Debian, test how loser, how nerd and how weird we are.

I am 54% loser. I am nerdier than 58% of all people. My Weird Quotient is 100.

So, it seems I'm normal, not that nerdy ; only a bit weird, but that's no surprise.

2005-01-17 19:21:21+0900

me, p.d.o | Comments Off on Last meme

It’s getting better…

... much better. I first thought 2005 would be a really really bad year, but the last days proved I was totally wrong. 2005 is going to be the year. The best of my life.

2005-01-13 19:19:42+0900

me | Comments Off on It’s getting better…


A bit late, but I wish all my readers (my reader ?) a happy new year 2005. I hope mine will be get greater with time, it's a bit depressing at the moment, though the two first days were the greatest ever.

Yes, there has been no blog entry for more than a month, mostly due to lack of motivation, which was, in turn, due to a succession of real life issues. Though this stuff is not over yet, I'm now back in France with much more time to think and type, so I guess this site will be moving a bit more soonish.

Time for resolutions for 2005 :

  • 美希との約束を守るように。
  • Avoid to put myself into impossible situations. I have enough to deal with the current one.
  • Avoid to gain back the 15 kilos I lost in Japan.
  • Get a decent job.
  • Finish to learn those 1945 "official" kanjis.

2005-01-08 10:23:42+0900

me | Comments Off on 新年おめでとう!