Someone in the "Why no Opera?" thread on the debian-devel list mentioned tkhtml/hv3, and how it passed the Acid Test (though he didn't mention if it was the first or the second Acid Test).
While it is a known fact that Mozilla doesn't pass the Second Acid Test yet (you have to use 1.9 alpha for this), it is also known that Safari has been for more than 2 years, and Konqueror, since version 3.5.2. So just to be sure, I gave it a try with WebKit (the one currently in unstable), and the results are... well, see for yourself.
This is what QtLauncher display, when the window is quite large, which is just perfect.

Now, this is what you get when the window is not so large, but still large enough for the whole thing to be displayed.

And what you get when you shrink the window more and more.

It goes further down when you shrink even more.
Sadly, the Gtk port is not as good.

It also does the "going down when shrinking" thing.
Update : Apparently, the "going down when shrinking" thing is a known "feature" of the Acid Test.
Update : The reason why the Gtk port is not fully passing the test is that while there is a KIOslave for the data url scheme, curl doesn't support it.