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Iceweasel 3.6のプレビューパッケージのセキュリティアップデート

squeeze向けの3.5バージョンの準備がまだ出来ていないので、experimentalへ3.6のアップロードはまだまだです。だが今日はMozillaがセキュリティアップデートを発表しました。Iceweasel 3.6のプレビューパッケージを使ってる皆さんは安全のために下記のパッケージをダウンロードして下さい。xulrunnerのソースコードで修正されたのでxulrunnerのパッケージしかアップデートしていません。



2010-03-24 09:40:56+0900

firefox, xulrunner | No Comments »

Security update for Iceweasel 3.6 preview

While the package is not ready yet for experimental, mostly because there are pending changes in the 3.5 branch, Mozilla released a security update today. So, here are the packages you need to be safe security-wise with Iceweasel 3.6. Please note only xulrunner packages have been updated, as the security fix lies in the xulrunner code.

A known regression of this version is that the icons in the search box on the top right don't show up.
Update: This regression actually doesn't exist.

2010-03-23 22:16:40+0900

firefox, xulrunner | 11 Comments »

Iceweasel 3.6が近づいています

Iceweasel 3.6の開発が終わりそうですが3.6も3.5もバグが残っています。experimentalへアップロードする前にはそのバグを解決したいと思います。



2010-03-05 20:35:14+0900

firefox, xulrunner | No Comments »

Iceweasel 3.6 approching

Work on Iceweasel 3.6 is approaching an end, but there are still issues with it and with 3.5 that I want to tackle before officially pushing to experimental.

In the meanwhile, you can already try a preview package:

The amd64 binary has the JIT compiler enabled by default (contrary to upstream default, and I guess most if not all other distros), so if you have issues with it, you'll need to disable javascript.options.jit.content from about:config. It passes the testsuite, so I expect it to be fairly stable.

2010-03-05 18:12:19+0900

firefox, xulrunner | 16 Comments »


Mike Hommeyと申します。Planet Debian JPにブログを登録して頂きました。

2010-03-03 08:31:47+0900

p.d.o | 1 Comment »

Is there a conspiracy to prevent me from working on Iceweasel 3.6 ?

After realizing Iceweasel wasn't working properly on various Debian architectures, and spending time fixing that, this week a new cairo version triggered a longstanding bug which would kill Iceweasel when closing a tab. I think I got it fixed now, but what next ?

2010-02-25 18:09:54+0900

firefox | 7 Comments »

Mind blowing news

The Firefox logo, the very reason why Iceweasel exists, is now free as in speech. Its use is still limited by trademarks, but it is free.

The news is not entirely official, but apparently the change has occurred a year ago, and the license text for the branding hasn't been changed accordingly.


Update: Now official.

2010-02-23 23:38:03+0900

firefox | 12 Comments »

Green is beautiful

buildd status for xulrunner mostly green

This is it! xulrunner now builds and successfully runs the checks and xpcshell-tests on all release architectures, including arm, mips, powerpc and sparc, that were all failing 2 weeks ago. 2 patch pulled from upstream, 5 patches written and sent upstream, and several more as not quite successful attempts.

What puzzles me is that e.g. the arm issue in the test suite has been known upstream for a year, yet Firefox was released on maemo (arm) without it being fixed. I mean, it only took me a few hours (if you don't count the time lost waiting for the builds to end), starting with no specific knowledge of arm, and even less of jit compilers.

Anyways, this all means work on 1.9.2 can go on.

2010-02-23 08:29:36+0900

xulrunner | 3 Comments »

Massive FAIL #2

Massive iceape buildd failure

This is what would have happened if I had waited before uploading 2.0.3-2. Courtesy of dh_install --fail-missing and its non-handling of arch:any only builds.

2010-02-18 14:33:41+0900

xulrunner | No Comments »

Massive FAIL

Massive xulrunner buildd failure

In there, a lot are due to dh_auto_configure not doing the right thing for autoconf 2.13 generated configure files, others are due to make setting MAKEFLAGS to "w", which prevents make -s to do what I expected it to do, armel has yet another crasher in the test suite (*sigh*), and I broke mipsel with the mips patch. should fix the first two, and allow me to debug the armel issue (I disabled the test suite to be able to have the buildds generate the binaries, as they are much faster than the porterbox). Mipsel will have to wait for

This also means 1.9.2 is delayed. Again. (and upstream releasing Firefox 3.5.8 one day later than scheduled didn't help either)

Update: I stand corrected, the one responsible for MAKEFLAGS setting to "w" seems to be make itself, not dh.

2010-02-18 10:29:08+0900

xulrunner | 2 Comments »